Hi there! My name is Anita - welcome to Wild Thistle Kitchen - where I share rustic, comforting recipes, beautiful photos, lots of nostalgic food memories, and bits and pieces of my life.
In 2013, when I started this blog (under the OG name cook on a whim) I really had no idea what I was getting myself into; I just wanted to cook, write, and take pictures and since so many of my friends and family members were requesting recipes, it seemed like the perfect place to combine all three of my passions.
The name "cook on a whim" was inspired by the very real fact that I am a creative home cook who is known for whipping things up "on a whim." I am not a meal planner. I am a wizard with leftovers and many meals are created last minute based on what I have in my pantry or fridge - and based on what I feel like eating. My appetite for food, cooking, and all things culinary was inspired early on by my father and has never stopped growing. After losing my dad suddenly in August of 2018, I made the switch to doing this food blogging and food photographing thing full time. The years following that terrible loss and major career move were full of so much - sadness, healing, growth, reaching goals, setting new goals, working my butt off and loving it.
During that time I changed my name to Wild Thistle Kitchen. I had been feeling for a long time that I didn't really identify with cook on a whim anymore - I mean, I will always cook and do lots of other things on a whim - it's my nature, but I felt like I grew out of that name - like it didn't really represent me and my story especially after the huge changes I had experienced.
And wild thistles are near and dear to my heart. They remind me of my dad, my grandparents, and of the land I grew up on. They are just so representative of me and my slightly wild, non-conforming nature. I find beauty in rusticity. Wildflowers and what some might call weeds will always be my favorite flowers. My favorite photography backdrops were torn off of old barns and salvaged from falling down sheds. This name just feels better. It feels right. I'll always love cook on a whim, but I grew out of that name and really grew into who I am as a blogger, photographer, and individual.
A bit more about me
I am Virginia girl at heart and have traveled coast to coast, as well as visited far off lands with my dad including Dubai and the surrounding Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, and Turkey. I find inspiration everywhere I go and love bringing new ideas home to my kitchen. With a strong French influence reflective of my heritage, my meals are simple, classic, and unique. I love baking sweet treats, too. Especially on snow days.
I'm a proud English major and I have always had a passion for reading and writing. My father and grandfather were both incredible writers and I'm honored to follow in their footsteps.
My grandmother has filled the role of mother in my life, and I can't have an about me page without including her. She was indescribably wonderful and I consider it the highest honor to be her namesake and to have been called "Lil 'Nita" by she and my grandpa. She made her very peaceful exit from this world in November of 2020 and my heart is forever broken but I am comforted by a lifetime of memories. Her influence over me truly saved me and changed the course of my life. I will always be grateful.
After surviving several years in suburbia (never again) and escaping a horrible marriage, I am now living in the country in an 1889 farmhouse with lots of beautiful acres, married to the love of my life, raising our many children together, gardening, cooking, and loving. Life is good.
I have been featured on The Feed Feed, as well as written several articles for a D.C. based online food magazine, DCfud, freelanced for The Fauquier Times-Democrat newspaper, The Georgetowner, The Brookside Neighbors Magazine, and guest-blogged for BeFunky.com in Portland, Oregon.
I've had the incredible opportunity to work with several food and kitchen brands. Creating recipes and photos for some of my dream brands makes me feel like I need to pinch myself because I might actually be dreaming. But then I remind myself that I did this. I created these opportunities by chasing dreams and making them a reality.
I look forward to sharing my food adventures, childhood memories, travels, and kitchen experiences with you all. And of course my recipes and photos. Thank you for following along and for inviting me into your kitchens through my recipes. - Anita